Monday, November 29, 2010

Anti-Pregnant Smokers Organization

Pregnant Smokers Cause and Effect Advocacy Poster 
Anti-Pregnant Smokers Organization (APSO) is an organization working to fight against women smoking while pregnant and to help prevent babies from being born unhealthy.

The figure on the left in the advocacy poster represents a pregnant woman who is addicted to smoking; the cause. She is holding a cigarette in her fingers even though she is so far in the pregnancy and possibly ready to give birth.  She mirrors mothers who are addicted to smoking to hopefully get them to realize how careless and unhealthy it looks and help them quit, at least during the pregnancy. The figure on the right is an illustration of the result of the child the figure on the left carries in her womb; the effect. On this figure are labeled several possible and likely symptoms of a child born of an addicted mother. How smoking can and will affect a woman’s child is stated to hopefully increase awareness and reach more mothers to quit much faster. Maybe by reading about the possible harm it will get these women to say no to smoking.
The use of the “careful crossing” street sign demonstrates the alert and danger of this causal relationship. It demonstrates how “crossing” a pregnant woman and a cigarette can end or “equal” an unhealthy outcome and this happens consistently, or “WEEKLY” as the poster states. Beside the fact that this street sign is already yellow, it is a proper element of design to use for the advocacy poster because it is one of the most vibrant colors that attracts the human eye; therefore, it will catch the viewer’s eye instantly; thus, raising awareness, caution, and hopefully gets more individuals to fight the cause and prevent neglect to the unborn.

Anti-pregnant smokers organization

Every day people die from smoking. Almost half are baby’s that die in the womb of their addicted mothers, and at the same rate, children who survive are born with respiratory problems because their mother could not put down the cigarette while pregnant. These babies are born with neglect, raised with the neglect of second hand smoke and therefore are prone to becoming smokers themselves. In other words pregnant smokers create a chain effect harming her own health and the health of other individuals including the babe in the womb. However, unborn children do not have to go through such cruelty.
Join the Anti-Pregnant Smokers Organization (APSO) to fight the cause and end pregnant smoking. Be a part of restoring good health to these expecting women and help keep babies alive and healthy. Help grant, if not a better future, than at least a normal one.

visit us at:
Join APSO by filling out the following information:

·       Print Name: __________________

·       Birthday: ___________

·       Age: _____

·       Date: ___________

·       Phone Number: Home_______________

Cel _________________

·       Address: ______________________________


City _____________State ______Zip __________

·       Occupation: ____________________

For further information, questions and/or comments, email us at

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